How do you get 25 wild Mustangs across the Rhine without any problems? We demonstrated it at the 4th Mustang Mach-E meeting on September 14th, 2024 and after a brilliant parade of Mustangs at Vollrads Castle near Bingen, the colorful herd galloped towards the Rhine. Here, we were initially lucky, because the ferry called Michael in Oestrich-Winkel to Ingelheim was completely flooded with Mustangs.
So the wild ride continued from Hesse to Rhineland-Palatinate, finally forming another colorful line of Mustangs galloping silently in at the ClassicX in Grolsheim, before the meeting slowly came to an end in a happy gathering with a well-earned dinner.
The Mustangs, however, had to watch from outside and did not need to be fed, with their enormous range, the round trip was easily managed for almost all of them without a snack - for our Iltschi too, of course;-).