NFT 007: Among the Kuna on the San Blas Islands


NFT project:
100 photos | 100 countries and regions | 100 NFTs

NFT 007: The Kuna live on islands along the Atlantic coast of Panama, an area formerly called San Blas and now Guna Yala. We spent a few days with the Indians on a tiny island and were allowed to take photographs of some Kuna. We were particularly impressed by the older woman.

The San Blas Islands, a tropical paradise off the coast of Panama, are home to the indigenous Kuna people. This archipelago, consisting of over 300 islands, offers pristine nature, crystal-clear waters, and white sandy beaches. The Kuna, known for their vibrant culture and handcrafted molas (colorful textile artworks), live in harmony with nature and have preserved their traditions for centuries. This NFT showcases a captivating image from the Kuna's life on the San Blas Islands, highlighting the cultural richness and natural beauty of this region. It provides a glimpse into a world where time seems to stand still.

Continent or ocean




